Think Editores Apps

Temporary Employees 1.0
Personal vacation with all its benefitsfordomestic service work: home, office, business, warehouse, farm.Letus do the work for you! For days, times, and with allthefeatures.Initially in the city of Medellin (Colombia) and its surroundings.STAFFSelected, trained and uniformed work for your home or businessthatrequest.NO PROBLEMSAll social benefits: EPS, ARP, Pensions and Unemployment,uniforms,among others.REPLACEMENTIn case of illness of the person in charge of the work tobeperformed, send another person substitute with thesamecapabilities.YOUR BUDGETWe manage our staff for days, hours, weeks or even months, foryourhome, business or office.COMFORTAvoid hassles with personnel management, benefits, among others.Letus do the work for you!.........................................OUR SERVICES• For your home, office, business, warehouse, farm withreliablestaff.• Ironing Service.• For special events.• Rest at farm household chores.
I love La Ceja 1.0
An initiative of the "Municipal CouncilofCulture" La Ceja del Tambo to show the world our beautiful townineastern Antioquia. In this application you will find:Audiovisual environmental events and activities about music,visualarts, theater, dance, literature, heritage, reading andlibraries,tourism, and artisans:• Cultural Guide.• Tourist Guide: Sites of general interest. Where to findwhatyou need? This application will solve this problem tofindeverything in the municipality. You can call or come to thesite ofinterest via GPS.A FREE application.La Ceja, Antioquia -COLOMBIA
A World without bullying 1.0
A test and contents on this global problem.
Good Parents 1.0
In these times it is important to watch fortheeducation of our children so that in future they are goodpeople inour society.• Phrases to tell the children.• errors that prevent successful children.• safe and friendly spaces.• If bullying.• Letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter.• Contract of use of a device.Language: spanish.
I make myself respect 1.0
It is not easy to deal with minors the issueofsexual harassment, for fear of contaminating their childhoodwithsexuality, as well as causing distrust of the elderly byinfusingthem with threats of danger, when all we want is for themto have apeaceful and happy life.In order to prevent harassers and abusers from taking advantageofthe innocence and ignorance of children and adolescents, itisnecessary to address the issue with minors and let them knowwhatis normal and what is not and thus be more alert to possibleabuse,They may refuse and communicate it in time, or at leastprevent theact from being committed.But, how to approach children with this sensitive subjectwithoutviolating them with language?The answer is in the present didactic material whose purpose istoguide the child, in a simple and interactive way bydifferenthistories in which he will have the option to decide thefate ofthe characters, immersing him in an imaginary world toreflect onsituations and attitudes of The protagonists and theirpossibleoutcomes. Responsible adults offer them tools to prevent,detectand proceed forcefully and with caution to this violentpractice soharmful.
Economía Naranja 1.0
La 'Economía Naranja' también esdenominada:ecosistema naranja, economía creativa o delconocimiento.Representa toda la riqueza basada en el talento, lapropiedadintelectual, la conectividad y por supuesto, aquellasactividadesrelativas a la construcción de un patrimonio cultural ysutransmisión.Las industrias culturales y de entretenimientos son unaoportunidadpara establecer una nueva economíaThe 'Orange Economy'isalso called: orange ecosystem, creative economy orknowledge.Represents all the wealth based on talent, intellectualproperty,connectivity and of course, those activities relating totheconstruction of a cultural heritage and its transmission.Cultural and entertainment industries are an opportunitytoestablish a new economy
Galaxy Sumax 1.0
A simple game where boys and girls shouldavoidthat the invaders do not take ownership of the planet withcorrectsums.Striking graphics and simple presentation.